viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012


Él era una patata sosa, ella una patata "majestic". La primera vez que se encontraron ya se conocían sin saberlo, la segunda vez no pudieron disimular y acabaron envueltos en una historia de amor de película patatera.

Pero como todas las historias de amor, al menos las más bellas, (Ismael Serrano "Tierna y dulce historia de amor") está también terminó en tragedia. Él, patata cocida, no confió en su patata "deluxe" y ella se intentó separar. Sin embargo no fue fácil, cuando se miraban se podía oler el calor a patatas asadas, la pasión los desbordaba y aunque sabían que estaba acabado no podían evitar unir sus cuerpos cual puré de patatas a la hora de cenar.

Todo terminó cuando ella, patata "bussines" tuvo que emigrar, parecía el fin y ambos lo asumieron.

Unos meses más tarde el destino quiso unir sus caminos y pocas miradas bastaron para que la tortilla estuviese en su punto y ella, patata frita del burguer, se volvió a ilusionar como el primer día, pero el esfuerzo que él había hecho por olvidar, patata congelada, no dejó que aquello volviese a funcionar.

Evocados al fracaso regresaron a sus vidas separadas, hasta que de nuevo se encontraron y se dieron cuenta de que sólo son verdaderas patatas cuando están juntos.

"Renunciar a tu humanidad para ser una simple patata sólo está al alcance de unos pocos."


He was not more than a flat potatoe, and she was a "magestic" one. The first time when they first met they knew each other already without knowing it, the second time they couldn´t hide that so they became the principal actors from that potatoe film.

But as all the love histories, at least the good ones, this one became a tragedy as well. He, a cocked potatoe, did not trust his "deluxe" potatoe and she wanted to fly away. But it was not so simple as it could look like, because when they were looking to each other, one could even smell the baked potatoes aroma. Their passion was bigger than them and despite the fact that they were knowing that it was a dead end, they could not avoid to link their bodibe as more as smash potatoes for dinner.

But all of this ended when she, a "business" potatoe, had to hit the road and leave, it seemed the end and both of them assumed that. 

A couple of months later, the Fate wanted to merge their roads again and after a couples of sights were enough to prepare the tortilla. She was now a french fried, and was exited like the first day, but the another one, now a frozen one, after all the time that we was straining himself in aim to forget it, did not let that happen.

Headed to fail, they came back to their lives till a point that they realized that only when they are not more than normal potatoes when they are with each other.

"Not many people can afford to resign to their humanity in aim to be a normal potatoe"


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